Safe operation in polar waters just got easier! Get a 1 month free trial for your first vessel.
Key features
Route specific MDLT (Mean Daily Low Temperature) check
Plan intended voyages and operations in polar waters ahead.
MDLT data coverage in both polar areas.
Easy route import
The user-friendly interface supports the import of route transfer files.
Quickly check and assess routes according to vessel's operational limitations.
Tailored for owners, operators and crew
A comprehensive tool to meet the IMO Polar Code requirements.
Integrate into your operational assessment and
Safety Management System to keep your PWOM (Polar Water Operational Manual) up to date.
API integration
Contact us to integrate into your routing or fleet management software.
Get started now to
  • Enhance safe voyage planning.
  • Expand season of operation.
  • Extend area of operation.
  • Keep your PWOM updated.
Get a 1 month free trial for your first vessel.
Simple pricing model
  • Pay only what you use.
  • Risk free signup with a 1 month free trial for your first vessel.
  • No 'cloud style' recurring payments.
  • Start creating vessels and routes before you pay.
Your data is safe with us
  • Our servers are located in Germany.
  • Datacenter with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate.
  • No resale of your data to 3rd parties.
Get a 1 month free trial for your first vessel.